Tag Archives: mistakes

70% of the Time


My table was just told that when teachers give instructions for the first time, 7o% of the time, they give the wrong directions. I am going to assume that she means that that teachers give unclear directions the first time they give them orally without any other prompts or cues.

This bristled some neck hair at my table.

A teacher asked where she got that fact from, and she said her training manual. This didn’t go over well with my group.

I will fully agree with my edited statement. If I just give oral directions without a demonstration and without my written instructions, I’m sure I’d make lots of mistakes. But that’s not how I teach. I don’t just give oral directions. I pad it with written instructions, demonstrations, repetition, etc.

What do you think?

As a side note, just to prove that auditory is NOT one of my learning styles, I typed in the information as 74%, not 70%. Sigh.