Tag Archives: parents

Edmodo/LMS/Techie Stuff


Anyone use Edmodo in the classroom? I’m worried that my students will be able to create teacher accounts and then create groups and use the computer to basically IM their friends all day.

I think the assignment feature is great – but since I use Angel LMS on campus, I don’t really need that feature, but it would be AWESOME for schools that’s aren’t at a 1:1 campus just yet in our district.

Blackboard bought Angel a few months ago, so I hope that means we’ll be getting more features in the future. Oh, wait. We already have lots of features – it’s just my district turns them all off.I can fully understand why we don’t want the students to IM all users, but why can’t staff have it? Why can’t students IM their teachers?

<snark> I’m very frustrated right now. I have all of these huge goals that just keep getting stopped by IT. And it’s not like I haven’t been patient – this is my fourth year waiting on IT to meet the needs of a 1:1 school. Let me clarify – to meet the needs of a teacher who actually uses current technology in the classroom. I’m trying to be nice, but I get cranky when I get told that “no one else has this problem” – that doesn’t always mean user error- maybe that means NO ONE ELSE IS USING THE PRODUCT TO GET THAT ERROR! </snark>

Until 4:00 today, the filter was blocking every single web page today. And people wonder why I don’t take my computer home!

Ok. End on a good note.

Goals this week:
1. Use PollEverywhere this week in both classes
2. Promote my mailing list for parents
3. Figure this edmodo thing out (is it blocked at school?)
4. When is Cricket going to get with the program and do SMS?



I knew that Obama was giving a speech to school-aged children next Tuesday. I thought it was kind of appropriate considering that for most of the country, it’s the first day of school. How thoughtful of him to take time out of his schedule to address future voters – future taxpayers! “How nice”, I thought, “for schools to open when they want instead of being limited to a certain date as they are here in Texas. Oh well.”, I sighed, and moved on.

And that’s it. I don’t watch television, and I teach all day, so I don’t have the luxury of trolling news sites, so the first I heard about the “controversy” was an e-mail from our superintendent informing us that he was going to placate community members and allow students to be pulled out of class if the parents were opposed to them watching the presidential address. They would be given an alternative assignment.

I’m still in shock. I’ve always rolled my eyes when people talk about “right wing agendas”, but I can’t see this as anything else. He’s our President. He’s giving a speech to students about staying in school, behaving, and making good grades. There’s no agenda there.

I did see one news agency (take a wild stab at which one) which tried to say that the indoctrination was from a suggested lesson plans that the DOE published on their web page. I’m looking at them right now. Ok. I see academic goals. Listening strategies. Brainstorming. Hmm. Nothing even remotely offensive there. Maybe it’s in the elementary section. Hmm. What is the president? Writing down questions. Vocabulary. And, once again, goals.

Was FoxNews wrong? I read that the lesson plans directed students to write letters to Obama. There is nothing in there that prompts students  to write letters about “what they can do to help Obama”. Really, is there an issue with educational goals? Is that indoctrinating students? Leading them to vote Democrat in future elections? I really don’t think anyone can argue that.  Or are we having an issue with students “helping” Obama reach the goal of educating all students and decreasing the drop out rate? Is that it? Certainly no one would that stupid, right? EDIT – I just heard that the original lesson plan called for students to write to Obama to suggest educational goals. I guess no one has heard of relevancy in curriculum, huh?

So another complaint I heard was that Obama didn’t get approval by the school boards – he went directly to the principals! Do these people know what a school board is? I don’t think so. They govern a school district, they don’t approve presidential messages. I find this comical coming from people who have never been to school board meetings. And yes, I attend school board meetings pretty frequently. I think it’s important to know what is going on as a taxpayer, teacher, and future parent.

So the complaints can’t be about the CONTENT of his speech – he hasn’t even given it at this point! Is it because he’s a Democrat or just because he’s a black man? I’ve heard even more ridiculous comments, but I don’t even think I can justify those with a response in print.

I don’t like being censored. I get enough of it as an English teacher. But this is too much. There is a serious slippery by allowing parents to pull their kid out of instruction just because they “don’t like” Obama.  What’s next? Telling me not to teach “Night” because they don’t believe the Holocaust happened? Not allowing teachers to do a 911 memorial lesson because they think it was a conspiracy? If that’s the case, then home school your kids. That’s your “right”.

I’m disappointed that my district wussed out and sent home parent permission slips to opt out of the speech. I’m disappointed that people can’t think critically.

It makes me sad.